This is Julie and Jeo's blog. Have a slice of our life, and long-distance relationship (and lots of other things).

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

A (Late) Review.. or well my experience drinking coffee (without the fluff, just brewed coffee) with donuts for the first time~!

6:40 PM Posted by Jeo No comments
I was pretty excited to get a coffee for the first time. I had no idea what or how much sigar or cream I was supposed to put in.. so I just poured it all in (・_・;
It tasted.. So bitter (; ̄ェ ̄) and soo hot. I burned my tongue huhu. But as it cooled down and I paired it with donuts, it was pretty good!
; u ; so yeah.. food is good.

Saturday, December 6, 2014


8:55 AM Posted by Jeo 1 comment
Throwback.. Saturday? :3
I liek this picture ; w ; This was when I kept you company before you left for your little trip to western wa uni<3 you always liked puffing your face hehe

I'm now a beary sleepy bear ; u.-
Good luck on your finals babybeaw! I'm rooting for you!

My College Friends

8:44 AM Posted by Jeo No comments
You know, I've had some college friends come and go in my social life. I've disassociated with some of them primarily due to their attitude and terrible influence towards others. But I'm just really thankful for the fact that I was able to meet my college friends here who sort of became my siblings. At a small group of merely 5-7, I'm already pretty happy to have them as my friends. I can just be myself without being judged, and it feels nice. It's just fun to be with them, and they're pretty supportive too. It makes up for the fact that my old friends kind of just found a replacement for me, as if I was just a recyclable asset to them. But that's just life I guess.

You'll always be my best friend babybeaw, but I'm just glad I found some friends here I could depend and be dependent on too! It really helps
me shape who I am and what I want to become.

Late night post

8:33 AM Posted by Jeo No comments

Just got home! I'm pretty sleepy even after I had that latte a while back in memory of our starbucks dates <3 hehe! Hope you're having a nice day! And I hope you'll do great on your finals! I'm looking forward to spending some time with you. I'll study and spend time with you tomorrow, I'm going to balance the day :> but don't you worry! We'll have a wonderful day tomorrow!

And I'll make sure I won't have gloomy pr sad posts anymore too ^ u ^ I won't let little things let our wonderful days together go to waste<3