This is Julie and Jeo's blog. Have a slice of our life, and long-distance relationship (and lots of other things).

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

The Calm Before The Storm

5:23 AM Posted by Jeo 3 comments
Finals Week is finally over! I picked up a bavarian cream donut for myself to celebrate~! (Hands down my favorite donut) 
woot woot!
I got home late sadly due to the rescheduling.

I can finally relax as the semester's over! Might get active and I'll get my game on too haha!

After an hour or so that I got home, heavy rain and lightning struck.
I grabbed my emergency light, my blanket, and my vita as I felt like it'll be a nice breezy night later tonight.
I wish you could be with me right now though, I miss you so much <3


  1. What a coinkydink Bavarian cream donuts are my fave ; u ;)

  2. ; u ; they're soooo gooood!
    We even have munchkin versions, which are just mini donut balls~

  3. ; o ;) omg tiny bavarian donuts
