This is Julie and Jeo's blog. Have a slice of our life, and long-distance relationship (and lots of other things).

Saturday, January 17, 2015

It's been a hard day's night....

12:10 AM Posted by Julie , No comments
And I've been working like a dog~

Beatles references aside, I had a really long day! Woke up at 8, got to work at 1030 and got slammed with two weeks' worth of office work. During the holiday season a lot of people requested off and went on vacation, so my manager needed me a lot in the restaurant, so I worked less in the office. 

Then,  from 2:30-3:30 I had a meeting for my Management 320 class. None of my group members read the chapter we planned to read so we spent 90% of the time reading the textbook and 10% of actual planning....

it's going to be a long quarter.

Then I went back to work to finish up my work! Because the fax coversheet I used mixed up the fax and telephone number of the place I was trying to send documents to, it took a really long time to get it to go through! I ended up missing my last bus directly home.

But all was well when I got home! Because....

Food just is so magical! I had bánh mì (Vietnamese Sammich), rice with dry-ish shredded pork sirloin and skin, picked veggies (radish, cukes and carrots) in a special fish sauce and some omlette like eggs.

Now I'm full, happy and sleepy. (\( ; u.: )/)


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